Sunday, 25 May 2014

UhOh, Is She Doing A Lifestyle Post!?

Yup, you heard that right. I'm verging outside of my comfort zone (not really I'm sitting here in PJs so I'm still actually pretty comfortable) and writing a lifestyle post. Actually I won't be doing too much writing, I pretty much just have a ton of guinea pig pictures to show you. But today was the first day with extremely nice weather in a while. So, like any sane 21 year old, I took Penny and Fiona and brought them outside for a nice little day in the sun.

These little ladies love the grass (because they didn't get the name pig by chance) and get so happy when they can be out in the fresh air. I then went to my cousins house and made homemade pizzas, wrestled with her cat who had escaped the house, and went for ice cream! All in all it was a perfect way to start of some nice weather. I've just been feeling really happy lately and I am so thankful for how much support I've gotten for this blog. I know everyone says it, but I really just started this blog because I loved reading other peoples blogs and youtube videos, and when I love something, I just want to be a part of it. I just want to thank each and every one of you who has subscribed, left a comment, tweeted, retweeted, favourited, whatever! Just thank you, I want you to all know that it literally makes my day whenever I get any of those from you. I am also going to apologize for my lack of posting the past few days but I've been quite busy and I want my next post to be about feminism in the beauty & fashion industry and I don't want it to be some thrown together crap. I want people to find it interesting, and I hope it strikes a cord with some people. So you can expect that along with a "what's in my bag" post this week :)

Until then, here are some pictures of my amazingly photogenic guinea pigs, Penny & Fiona.

Fiona (left) & Penny (right)


Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Designer Bag Dupes

I've been thinking of doing this post for a little while now. If you're anything like me then you are completely obsessed with all types of bags. I love different structures, colours, sizes. Of course I have my favourites but I love switching my bags up depending on what I'm wearing or where I'm going. Anyways, ever since I was a little girl I've been this way. And I've always had expensive taste. Not the kind of taste where you know it's expensive so you chose it, no if I was given a completely random set of bags I would probably manage to pick the most expensive option.

Now-a-days there are so many dupes for beautiful designer bags. I was hesitant to do this post because I know a few girls who are super against "dupes" or "fakes" or "knockoffs". Of course I do not condone stealing or tricking anyone into buying a bag they think is real but isn't. I also know that designers spend a lot of time and money designing these beautiful bags. But I cannot fathom how the world worships these bags that the average person will never be able to consistently afford! So without further rambling, I present to you a collection of designer bags and their dupes.

Also, if you enjoy this post please comment below so that I can maybe make this a more frequent thing, because I know I am always looking for beautiful bags at good prices!

Alexander Wang// Rocco

Alexander Wang Rocco

I have seen many different dupes of this bag all over the internet and in store. The Rocco by Alexander Wang is a satchel that can be worn in a multitude of different ways. I really like this bag because it's simple and black so it easily goes with many different outfits, but the studs add a nice grunge effect. I actually have a dupe of this bag which I love (bought from ebay). It fits pretty much anything imaginable, iPad, Mac, you name it. Which is nice because that means you can use it as a school or business bag if you have to. YouTuber's Zoella and SprinkleofGlitter own this bag as well as countless other celebs!

Real Alexander Wang Rocco Bag - $944USD (Y'OUCH)

Forever 21 - $35.80CAD
eBay - $34CAD (free international shipping) This is the same seller I purchased mine from and it is a really good quality!

Celine// Trapeze

Celine Trapeze Bag

I. Adore. This. Bag. UGH can I have it? I mean it is just such a classic bag with great structure. I know it comes in many different colours but the royal blue is just so gorgeous. This bag could totally dress up any outfit, although I don't know how Celine would feel with me marketing their bags to wear with sweatpants. I couldn't find the actual price from the Celine website, but I'm sure it's much more than a small town university student can afford. Dream big girls!

Real Celine Trapeze Bag

eBay - $50CAD (free international shipping)

Dolce & Gabbana// Sicily

Dolce & Gabbana Sicily

I don't know how to feel about this bag. I feel like I fall in and out of love with it. I do think that it is a classic looking bag, but structure-wise I don't think it's something I would usually go for. I did however read an article featuring Mr. Gabbana himself and the story behind the Sicily bag is really touching. Every year they re-do it in a different way, and this years is absolutely gorgeous. The dupe I found for it isn't exactly the same but I thought it was similar enough if anyone was interested.

Real Sicily Bag - $1520

eBay - $40CAD (Free International Shipping)

Givenchy// Antigona

Givenchy Antigona

This was not really love at first sight, but slowly, our love has grown into something real and deep. But really, I think this bag is perfection. I want to buy one of the dupes for school in September. The only problem I have with large bags like this is that I end up stuffing them with complete junk and garbage and then I can't find what I actually want or need!

Real Antigona Bag - $2300CAD (oh me oh my)

eBay Crocodile Pattern - $80CAD (Free International Shipping)
eBay Original Pattern -$40CAD (Free International Shipping)

Celine// Luggage 

Celine Luggage Bag

I don't really have much to say about this bag because everyone knows it, everyone loves it, all the celebrities have it. All the rich kids tote it around my university. Is it overdone? Yes, probably. Is it still completely gorgeous, sigh, yes. I would kill to own one. But then again I have a bag addiction and would love any of these beautiful bags.

Real Celine Luggage

eBay (multi-colours) - $38CAD (Free International Shipping)
eBay (Black Full Size) - $40CAD (Free International Shipping)

Phillip Lim// Pashli

Phillip Lim Pashli

I know Phillip Lim partnered with Target a little while back but I couldn't seem to find any of the bags on their website anymore. This bag has a bit more zippers and pockets than I prefer, but I do enjoy it. I think I prefer the bigger version over the small one, although, no disrespect to Mr. Lim, but I find the larger one to be a bit similar to the Celine Luggage Bag. Miss Glamorazzi has one and she pulls it off quite nicely!

Real Phillip Lim Pashli 

eBay (Mini) - $40CAD (Free International Shipping)
eBay (Full Size) $41CAD (Free International Shipping)


*This is not a sponsored post, nor are any of the links affiliate links*

Monday, 19 May 2014

Makeup Bag | Purse Edition

How many different makeup bags do you own? Because if you're anything like me that number is probably going to be bigger than 1 or 2. Of course I have my beautiful makeup station which houses most of my makeup. But then I have this small makeup bag with the essentials that goes into whichever purse I'm using that day. Then I have a bigger version of it with more random essentials and larger makeup items. I also have a big tote style bag that I use for longer travel. So if I'm ever missing something it's probably still hiding in one of those bags!

makeup bag

The bag itself is from Victoria's Secret, its a thick plastic material in neon pink. I got it for free when I bought the Victoria's Secret Bombshell's in Bloom perfume. I love it because it's big enough for the essentials, but small enough to fit into all of my bags!

Makeup mirror

The first item in my makeup bag is this super adorable compact mirror. Which by the way, I deserve an award for actually keeping this baby in working condition for as long as I have. I have this thing with mirrors and sunglasses where I break them within hours of buying them. Anyways, this compact is from Forever 21 and is still on sale over here

Tanya Burr Lipgloss

Next we have the most important part of any makeup bag... The lip products! I don't know about you but I don't lead some crazy jet setter fabulous life where I need to bring every product I have on my face with me for touchups. As long as I prime and set, my makeup is generally good to go for the length of my outing. But you always need to touch up the lips and I like to keep my options open. Here we have the amazing Tanya Burr's lip glosses, which if I haven't told you once, twice, or three times, these babies are worth their price in gold, please go support a fellow beauty addict! My go-to nude shade, Kate Moss' Rimmel lipstick in shade 101 and just the Nivea Pearl stick or whatever, which I never use and don't find that great so... meh.

Tarte Amazonian Clay Mascara

And of course, for whatever touchups I do need, I have Tarte's Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara which is awesome balls (yes that is a very well known literary term). My Travalo which is fantastic because I love smelling good but hate the alcohol-y smell of most body sprays and who wants to bring an entire perfume bottle around with them? Usually I carry some sort of powder of concealer which is what the brush is for. And I wouldn't be a woman without a pony and some bobby pins!

So there you have it folks! My purse makeup bag! I think I will do this in 3 parts, this one, my big makeup bag, and my travel/ vacation makeup bag! Also, I just purchased a new bag so I think I will do a little what's in my bag A La most celebrity magazines!

What do you keep in your makeup bags? Do you bring duplicates of every makeup you're wearing, or just the basics???


Sunday, 18 May 2014

Brand Focus | Elizabeth Arden

Elizabeth Arden

I was looking at my lip product collection the other day and noticed I have more Elizabeth Arden lipsticks and lip glosses than any other particular brand. And the truth is, I reach for these products more often than not. So while there are of course many other Elizabeth Arden products out there, I decided to do a bit of a brand focus.

Elizabeth Arden herself was quoted as saying "it is the birth right of every woman to be beautiful" and I completely agree with that. I don't think that you need makeup to be beautiful, we are all beautiful in all of our perfect imperfections (hey there John Legend). But I know from all types of experience that makeup has the ability to make us feel as beautiful on the outside as we are on the inside.

Maybe you're a girl who struggles with acne and makeup helps you feel confident enough to leave your house, or maybe you're like me and hate your invisible eyelashes and uneven brows. Wearing makeup doesn't have to mean you're self conscious or hate the way you look. It just means you like to experiment with different looks, and want to enhance your natural beauty. And with all that rambling, the moral of the story is that I am very glad to support a company such as Elizabeth Arden. If you want to know more about Elizabeth Arden's sustainability and beliefs, click here. 

Elizabeth Arden Lip Gloss
Left: Passion Fruit
Right: Red Door Red

Now, in term's of products I own two lip glosses and two lipsticks. I purchased Passion Fruit (left) and Red Door Red (right) at an outlet in Florida, but they are still available from most places that sell Elizabeth Arden products. These glosses are super pigmented and actually hang around on your lips for awhile! Their lip glosses have shea butter and mango to help moisturize, as well as a product called Maxi-Lip that helps to plump your lips. Now I don't know about you but all I'm thinking is, yes, yes, yes and uh yes! What else could we want from our glosses? A mirror to make sure you're not pulling a MirandaSings? Well ask and you shall receive my friends! There is a little mirror on the side of the gloss tube!! And the packaging? Gold tops, that cute red door that we all know, and a doe-foot applicator? Heaven!!

Elizabeth Arden Lipstick
Left: Red Door Red
Right: Neoclassical Coral

My first Elizabeth Arden lipsticks were Red Door Red (left) and Neoclassical Coral (right). I am obsessed with these ladies. I feel like you can just tell that they are high quality lipsticks. The colour payoff and longevity are amazing. Red Door Red is obviously a classic in both name and colour. While these lipsticks aren't glossy, they are nourishing and don't leave your lips feeling dry. I think Neoclassical Coral is so on point with the latest orange trends. It's not super orange for those who are a little scared to venture too much out of our comfort zone (not that I am, I'll wear dark purple just for the fun of it). But it's bright enough that it really plays up any look. Plus once again, this packaging is simply stunning.

Elizabeth Arden Lipstick
Top: Red Door Red
Bottom: Neoclassical Coral

I know some people may think of Elizabeth Arden as a more mature makeup company, but I really believe they have products for all ages. I feel so sophisticated and classy when I pull out any of these pieces. They may be a bit on the pricier side, but you truly get what you pay for in both quality and assistance. Overall, I highly recommend you check out this brand for yourself!


*Disclaimer: This is not a sponsored post, nor was I compensated for this post. I am simply a fan of Elizabeth Arden.

Friday, 16 May 2014

Empty Products


In good old fashion Mirror, Mirror style I would like to start this post off on a completely unrelated manner. First of all, welcome! Welcome to the new Mirror, Mirror! I hope you like the new layout and design. I've tried to make it way more user friendly and pretty. If you notice anything doesn't work or even have a suggestion please feel free to comment below, tweet me, or email me

Revlon Lash Potion

Like any sane person would, I've been saving up my empty containers and products for the past month or so. I don't use the same products everyday so it takes me a while to use a product till its completely gone. I decided to split up the products into makeup and skincare.

Maybelline Master Duo Eyeliner: I liked this product because the applicator is two sided. It is sort of like a flat spoon, with the wide edge you can get a nice thick line, and when you turn it to the side, you get a super precise line. I found this eyeliner flaked off pretty easily. I have a tendency of itching the side of my eye and so this product wasn't really the best for me. My Milani EyeTech is much better and cheaper!

Revlon Lash Potion: I absolutely adore this mascara. It's my favourite drugstore mascara at the moment. It will probably take you a few times to get used to the brush as it has 4 edges instead of being round. It stays put and holds a curl. I have already repurchased!

Revlon Photoready Airbrush Foundation: One of the few drugstore foundations that actually decently fit my skin tone. The mousse texture is a bit odd, and I found it best to use a stippling brush to apply. The only negatives about this foundation is that it wore off fairly easily even with my favourite primers, and whenever I touched my face I rubbed it off. Whoops! 

L'Oreal Micellar

Skin Care:
L'Oreal Sublime Soft Gentle Micellar Solution: Micellar water is all the rage don't ya know? That is, if water can be rage-full? I've been yearning for the Bioderma Micellar water, but in Canada it sells for $29! TWENTY NINE DOLLHAIRS! FOR WATER! I mean, I'm crazy don't get me wrong, but not that crazy.... And we've gotten off topic again, well sorta. Since I don't have anything to compare this product to, I don't think I can do a proper review. But for $9 it's a pretty good makeup remover and super gentle, does not sting your eyes at all.

Neutrogena Rapid Clear Spot Treatment: This is definitely not a product I've seen reviewed a lot, but it is worth a mention. I bought this during a month when I was having really bad breakouts. And then I used it just on spots and while the whole 4hr thing is complete bogus, it did work as an overnight treatment. Beware though, it may dry out your skin a bit.

No7 Beautiful Skin Dry Skin Rescue: I. Love. This. Stuff. Does that qualify for a review? I have nothing but good things to say about this product. It feels a little plasticy when you apply it, but it soaks in super quickly and really gets rid of all your dry spots. This winter was brutal in Canada, I've always had somewhat dry skin, but this year I broke out in like, a red patchy rash under my nose. This, mixed with some Florida sun, cured it in about a week!


Chinese Laundry Wish List | Coupon Code!

Chinese Laundry Wedges

So, it's that time of the year again ladies! Time to shave those legs, paint those toes, and break out the pumice. Yeah not a very attractive to do list is it? But on the other hand, it's time to break out those gorgeous sandals and wedges. But what would a new year and new season be without some new additions to our wardrobe? If you haven't heard of Chinese Laundry before, you need to to go check them out now! They always have tons of sales on, if you live in the US shipping is just $5, and super reasonable for international shipping! I have a few Chinese Laundry shoes and they have been used year after year, so you're basically getting a name brand high-quality shoe at an amazingly affordable price!

Coupon Codes!

Save $10 off all purchases of wedge or flat sandals at with code SANDAL10. Offer valid for a limited time only. Purchases of $75 or more ship for free*

Take an Extra 30% Off Clearance Styles with code SAVEMORE + Free Shipping over $75 at! Offer valid for a limited time. *


*Disclaimer: This post was not sponsored by Chinese Laundry, links are affiliate links. 

Wish List #2

Wish List

Ps- If you're looking for some new skin care products go check out Organic Skin Care by Michael Todd True Organics *

Saturday, 10 May 2014

#FOTD | Everyday Spring Look

I was meaning to put this up yesterday but completely forgot! This is pretty much how I've been doing my makeup everyday lately (with the exception of my eyeliner & non-makeup days) so I thought I'd do a little post on it!

Naked 3

As you can see it is a very light, natural look. I will have a full list of products down below, but I wanted to concentrate on my eyes because I learnt a very handy tip the other day and I thought I'd share it with ya'll!! So, I'd been using my Nude 'Tude palette (which I did a review on over here) pretty much everyday and neglecting the very beautiful Naked 3, which is pretty much a sin given the colours are so perfect for spring. Now as I've mentioned before, I am super pale. Good news, the wonderful minions at Urban Decay decided it was about time they put out some eyeshadow shades that were made for our paleness. Cue the Naked 3 palette. However, it is important to note (especially if you have blue eyes like me) that too many nudey/pinkish tones around your eyes can make you look too washed out and ill. Now, unless you are some sadistic odd ball, I'm going to go ahead and assume that I've-been-puking-my-guts-out-for-the-past-few-days is not a look you're going to be striving for.

Naked 3

So what do you do? Well, its uber simple. You simply take any matte brown (a darker shade is more preferable, I used a light brown and it didn't really do much) and line your eyes with it! It doesn't have to even look like eyeliner, you can apply it really close to the tight line / your eyelash line. I know this may seem super simple, and maybe everyone knows this tip. But I didn't and I think it really changed this look, and made it way prettier. I apologize for using so many products, no wonder it takes me the entire stone age to get ready. But of course you can substitute any products for similar ones you have!  Some of the products listed below are featured in my April Favourties so go check that out over here!

If you recreate this look let me know in the comments! Do you have any other eyeshadow tips, or tips for people with super pale skin? I feel like having pale skin is kind of like a uniting thing!

Step 1: Moisturize- No7 Beautiful Skin Day Cream (wait 10 minutes so it sinks in)
Step 2: Prime- Clinique Super Primer for Redness (face), NARS ProPrime (eyes)
Step 3: Eyes- Urban Decay Naked 3 & Nude 'Tude
Crease- Limit (Naked 3)
Lid- Burnout (Naked 3)
Outer V- Trick (Naked 3)
Inner V Crease Thing (my super professional name for it)- Standoffish (Nude 'Tude)
Liner- Sleek (Nude 'Tude)
Tightline- Maybelline Define-A-Line in Black
Mascara- Tarte Lights, Camera, Lashes 4in1
Step 3: Face- Clinique Moisture Surge Foundation in shade 01 (VF-N) & HardCandy Glamoflage concealer
Step 4: Blush- Milani Baked Blush in Luminoso
Step 5: Contour- A teensy bit of The Balm's Cindy-Loumanizer
Step 6: Brows- Milani Brow Fix Kit in 01 Light
Step 7: Setting- Coty Airspun Loose Face Powder in Translucent and Urban Decay All Nighter Setting Spray
Step 8: Lips- Chanel Rouge Allure Velvet Lipstick in shade 42 & my girl Tanya Burr's Lip Gloss in Picnic in the Park (such a great product, review coming soon)


Coupon Code for Free Shipping on the E.L.F Site Click Below!
Free Shipping on $35+ with code FS35 OR Any Other Promo Running! *Free shipping offer cannot be combined with any other offers.*

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

April Favourites

Makeup Favourites

I would like to start this post off with a disclaimer, I just finished watching The Mindy Project Season 2 finale (if you did too, please message me so we can become best friends) and a super sad video about a boy with cancer. So if I manage to make this favourites post somehow super sappy and depressing, well now you'll understand.

APRIL! April, April, April. No I am not trying to serenade a girl named April, I am just trying to think back to the month and remember how it went. April brought the end of my undergraduate career, a lot of essays and exams, Easter, and a lot of well needed rest. I think I probably spend 2/3rds of the month not wearing makeup, but when I did, this is what I was loving. 

Urban Decay All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray

Urban Decay's All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray. Oh, how I love thee. I have freakishly weird skin, and even with a primer and powder, my makeup tends to rub off really easily (but it's not greasy??? uh hello what the hell skin gods?). And I don't know about you, but I don't relish (not the kind you put on hotdogs) in spending like $30 on a foundation just to have it smeared on my boyfriends cheek --ya I'm single so that doesn't even happen-- or my hands. All I have to do is spritz a few sprays of this old gal on my face and voila, my makeup stays put all day long... Prior to any misconceptions this is not some weird product that only works when it's night time... Oh you didn't think that? Cool, so it was only me. 

Milani Brown Fix Kit

You can tell that I'm a story teller because with each product all I want to do is open up and tell you every detail and thought behind my reasoning of purchasing said item (sorry Mr. Cristelli for that run on sentence). Anywho, as I've probably already told you, I have blonde eyelashes and eyebrows. You know that saying, eyebrows are sisters not twins, yeah mine aren't even cousins. They're those people that show up to your family reunions that no one really remembers but can't tell them to leave. One is super blonde and thin and the other is of decent substance and kinda blonde kinda brown. So finding a product that A. isn't way too dark for my brows and B. isn't way too red or orange is a miracle in itself. The fact that this Milani Brow Fix Kit costs less than $10? A freaking dream come true.

The Balm Cindy Loumanizer

I was tempted to not include this little lass in my favourites at all because it is so hard to photograph properly. And honestly, I'm not even sure how I should be using it yet. It is The Balm's Cindy-Loumanizer and obviously it is marketed as an illuminator but it's way too dark for that (at least on my pale skin). Also, I looked at other blogger's swatches and reviews on it, and mine looks nothing like theirs. I purchased mine from Hautelook and as far as I know that is a 100% reputable website so I really don't think this is a knock-off item, but it looks (and I use it) more as a blush/bronzer than an illuminator. Do you have the Cindy-Loumanizer? Does it look anything like this???? Please let me know! 

Coty Air Spun Loose Face Powder

Ah, quite possibly the star of the show. I recently purchased the Coty Air Spun Loose Face Powder in Translucent, and I am obsessed. It smells so lovely (warning it is more perfumed than other face powders so if you don't like that I would be cautious in purchasing this) and is such a finely milled powder. It instantly sets my under-eye concealer and helps my makeup last all day. Also, I think it is adorable that they haven't changed the packaging since they brought out the product in 1935. My Nonna was with me when I purchased it, and she said she remembered her and her 9 sisters sharing this powder back when she was a child in Italy, as it was the only makeup her family could afford. And I just think it's really cool that now, nearly 70 years later her Canadian grand-daughter uses the same thing!

Tarte Lights Camera Lashes
My last makeup based product is Tarte's Lights, Camera, Lashes 4 in 1 mascara. I was recently using their Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara, and loved loved loved it, but I wanted to see what else was out there. Upon one of my many visits to Sephora I asked a lovely employee what her mascara recommendations were and she said hands down Tarte. Since I already had the other one, she recommended this one, and ohh boy. My puny blonde lashes are no match for this baby. With this, it looks like false eyelashes all day long. I'd say it was my HG mascara, but honestly, I'm too nervous for that kind of commitment at the moment. (Shhh don't tell). 

Divergent series

My book favourite of April was the Divergent series. Well, actually just Divergent since I haven't read the others yet. But I've started Insurgent so I thought I'd throw in all 3 books. I honestly wasn't expecting to like the film but my cousin wanted to see it for her birthday and I had coupons for a free movie so we went. I don't know if it was Theo James' abs acting or the intrigue of a dystopian society, but I was hooked. I know most people like to read the books first, but I like to have an image of the characters in my head before I read.

The Mindy Project

Am I allowed to do another disclaimer? I swear this is not a sponsored post from The Mindy Project, although I wish it was. And this isn't even just an April favourite, it's all year, all month, all day, all hour favourite. Mindy Kaling is just freaking brilliant, the acting on this show is phenomenal, and it makes you feel good without being obvious. Oh and did I mention she is freaking hysterical? Marry me???

I think that's pretty much it for my April favourites, I may do more or less categories in the future, I don't know, I can't be held accountable for anything. I also would like to take this moment to ask you, would you be interested in a feminist/ body image/ women in fashion & beauty post? Not the kind that you see everywhere written by some poor man who had no choice to write about it unless he wanted to go hungry that week, but a real, educated and thoughtful post? Let me know in the comments or send me a tweet over here !


Monday, 5 May 2014

Liebster Award

liebster award

Well hello there beautiful people. I have been nominated for the Liebster Award! Which if you don't know by now, is a little tag that aims to bring some recognition to new blogs and blogs with under 200 followers. One of my very beautiful and sweet fellow bloggers Alphabeth nominated me and I just couldn't pass up the opportunity to answer these great questions. But before I forget, please go and take a look at her lovely blog, because she was one of my first followers and her blog is seriously adorable.

1. If you could live any place in the world where would it be and why?

Nashville. I recently went on a road trip to Florida with my friends and we stopped in Nashville for a few hours and I just fell in love. The people, the history, the buildings. I mean it has to be the sweetest town, and the old homes are so beautiful. Plus, I am a huge fan of country music so to live where it all started would be more than a dream come true for me.

2. What is your favourite childhood memory?

I used to live on an apple tree farm and every day my Nono would come over and work. Every lunch I would bring him some water and we would sit and share the lunch that my Nonna had made us. Still makes me smile to this day.

3. If you could be stuck in a lift with one famous person, living or dead, who would you choose?

Mindy Kaling
(Picture from: Aerogram)

I love this question because it is so hard for me to answer. Of course I would like to say some amazingly good looking actor but that's too easy. I think I would have to go with Mindy Kaling. She is my Queen. I love her. I love her show, her book, her everything. I think she is such a great role model and comedian and I would love to have a conversation with her. 

4. If you could be any animal what would you be?

An elephant! I love elephants and I think it's so cute that they fall in love and stay with one another. And they are such peaceful and kind animals, I think it would be nice to be an elephant!

5. Do you have any strange talents?

Not really, I am particularly good at avoiding conflict and diffusing any sort of tense situation. 

6. Why did you start your blog?

I started my blog because I love makeup and fashion and I believe it should be used as a way of self expression and art. I don't think makeup should be used to cover up beauty, but bring out natural beauty and express how we feel about ourselves. I also love talking to fellow bloggers and makeup addicts because they are all so loving and welcoming!

7. What did you want to be when you were younger?

I have always wanted to be a teacher. From when I was a little girl to when I applied to university. Next year I start Teachers College so I am really excited!

8. If you could travel in time would you rather travel into the past or into the future?
Roaring Twenties
(Picture from: The Dandy)

I would probably travel into the past. I love history, particularly the Roaring 20's. I love the fashion, theatrics, and way of life. My friend's often say that I was born in the wrong time period and I definitely agree!

9. What's your favourite type of sweet?

Hmm, I think this depends. But currently I would not pass up the opportunity to grab a cone of Birthday Cake ice cream! Yummm!

10. What's your favourite season of the year and why?

This is very dependent on my mood and what season it currently is. Right now I am so looking forward to the warm weather of summer. I miss hiking and camping and fishing. And laying out in the sun. Ahhh yes. But Christmas is my favourite holiday and I spend a good 2 months preparing for it, so I do enjoy winter as well.

11. What's the strangest thing you've ever eaten?

Aligator tail! I tried it 2 years ago in Florida and it was a little rubbery, but pretty good!!

The questions I would like to ask my nominees are:
  1. What is your favourite TV show?
  2. If you had the opportunity to start your own business right now, what would it be?
  3. How would you describe your style/ fashion sense? 
  4. What is your favourite type of flower?
  5. How would your friends and family describe you in 4 words?
  6. What is your signature makeup look?
  7. If you could meet any designer or makeup artist, dead or alive, who would it be?
  8. What is your favourite place or dream destination to travel to?
  9. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, which would it be?
  10. Describe your ideal morning?
  11. What advice would you give to other new bloggers?
I nominate:


Sunday, 4 May 2014

My Holy Grail Eyeliner | Milani Eye Tech Extreme Liquid Eye Liner

Drumroll please... I have found my holy grail eyeliner! It's the Milani Eye Tech Extreme Liquid Eye Liner.  But before I tell you about this beautiful little tool let me tell you about my struggle. Oh yes, the struggle is real my friends. I have blonde eyelashes, I confess. So in my past, eyeliner and mascara have had a very tumultuous relationship with me. The roots were always visible and I could never manage to get the eyeliner right on the eyelash line. I think at one point I even used black eyeshadow and spread it on my eyelashes. Ahhh how fun it is to look at how far we've come. Anyways, enough blubbering. With a good mascara and nice creamy kohl eyeliner for my tight line, you'd think I'd have the perfect cat eye. Hah. Well you'd be wrong.

Milani Eye Tech Extreme

I started my journey as Goldilocks down the trail. Only to find eyeliners that were too dry, too wet, too bulky and thick etc... Then one day I came across this piece of majestic wonder. I was so surprised with how thin the pen was, and how black it is! I knew I just had to try it.

Milani Eye Tech Extreme

Milani describes it as a "non-feathering, waterproof, blackest-black formula [that] lasts all day without flaking or budging" and retails for $7.49 (Milani does ship to Canada, so do not fear my fellow Canadians)! The base has a rubber grip on it, which makes application super easy. I love how that the tip allows for a super precise wing, but the base of the pen is just a bit thicker, so when turned on its side allows you to get super close to the base of your lashes. 

Milani Eye Tech Extreme

Another great thing about the Milani Eye Tech is that the colour does not bleed. It stays where it's put and last's all day. If I'm being honest with you after I swatched in the store it stayed on my hand for 2 days. Now that's commitment ladies!

Milani Eye Tech Extreme

Now I know a lot of the Beauty Guru's are all about the Stila Liquid Eyeliner but to me, $20 is a bit much to spend on an eyeliner. Especially if you use it a lot, you're going to go through it a decent rate. Also, I purchased the Stila smudge stick and it breaks off every time I use it :( Which is so sad because the colour (Turquoise) is so beautiful.

Just so you know how big of a deal this is, I suck at eyeliner. Like, not even suck, I am abhorrent at eyeliner. I would sit and practice for hours. But I can actually do a winged look in like 5 minutes now! *Pauses for Applause*

Milani Eye Tech Extreme

Do you see that wing???? I am like a proud Mama over here!! Which eyeliner do you use? Do you have a HG eyeliner?


Thursday, 1 May 2014

Spring Lipsticks // High-End and Drugstore Dupes!!

This is sort of an ironic post. Actually, I don't know if ironic is the right word for it, but it evolved into a sort of double post. I was going through my lipstick collection and decided I wanted to do a spring lip post. But then as I was swatching I realized a lot of them were almost identical. And, to boot, they were dupes of high end lipsticks! So basically it's a spring lip collection, with their drugstore dupes! I know some of these colours are a bit darker/ brighter than what's on trend. But, they are what I've been loving and I think pastel and nudes asides, these are classics.

Drugstore Dupes
Top Row (Left to Right): Maybelline Colour Sensational Vivids in Hot Plum, Rimmel Lasting Finish Lipstick in In Vogue, Elizabeth Arden Beautiful Color Moisturizing Lipstick in NeoClassical Coral, and Maybelline Colour Sensational in Coral Crush.
Bottom Row: Bite Duo Luminous Creme Lipstick in Violet and Palomino

The thing that I love most about spring is colourful lips. I have been leaning towards more colourful eye looks, but deep down I'm a lipstick girl at heart. I've been loving pairing these lipsticks with winged eyeliner. And as a side note, I found my Holy Grail eyeliner and I am going to do a post very soon. But get excited because this baby is going to blow you away.

Drugstore Dupes
Top Set (from top to bottom): In Vogue & Palomino
Second Set: Hot Plum & Violet
Third Set: Coral Crush & NeoClassical Coral

Bite Duo Lipstick

In the above comparison we have Violet from the Bite lipstick on top and Hot Plum from Maybelline on the bottom. The only difference here is that the Bite one is more moisturizing and creamy. Whereas the Hot Plum is more of a matte, not drying but definitely not as shiny as the more expensive one. The Bite Duo Lipstick retails for $15 at Sephora, and the Maybelline Colour Sensational retails for $5.59

Rimmel In Vogue

The colours in this picture looks a bit off but you can see in the swatches that they are almost identical. On the top we have In Vogue and on the bottom we have Palomino. Once again, the only difference is that the In Vogue is a bit more of a matte shade, and Palomino is more creamy. The Bite lipstick comes with both the Violet and Palomino and again is $15, and the Rimmel is only $4.99!

Elizabeth Arden NeoClassical Coral

This is by far the closest dupe out of all three. The consistency and colour are nearly identical. Which is great for you, but sucks for me. Why you might ask? Well Elizabeth Arden is super expensive in Canada and the NeoClassical coral (top) costs $30 and the Coral Crush, $5.59. On my recent trip to Florida I did stop in the Elizabeth Arden outlet store and found the same colour for like $12 but in cheaper packaging. So for all you Americans there is hope if you'd prefer the high end option with a better price tag. I do love Elizabeth Arden lipstick, they last so long and you can really notice the quality difference (my chapped lips and terrible photo taking skills do not do it justice).

So there you have it my beautiful readers! Some amazing spring lipstick options! What are your favourite colours for spring? Do you have any of these colours? Let me know!!!
