I would like to start this post off with a disclaimer, I just finished watching The Mindy Project Season 2 finale (if you did too, please message me so we can become best friends) and a super sad video about a boy with cancer. So if I manage to make this favourites post somehow super sappy and depressing, well now you'll understand.
APRIL! April, April, April. No I am not trying to serenade a girl named April, I am just trying to think back to the month and remember how it went. April brought the end of my undergraduate career, a lot of essays and exams, Easter, and a lot of well needed rest. I think I probably spend 2/3rds of the month not wearing makeup, but when I did, this is what I was loving.

Urban Decay's All Nighter Makeup Setting Spray. Oh, how I love thee. I have freakishly weird skin, and even with a primer and powder, my makeup tends to rub off really easily (but it's not greasy??? uh hello what the hell skin gods?). And I don't know about you, but I don't relish (not the kind you put on hotdogs) in spending like $30 on a foundation just to have it smeared on my boyfriends cheek --ya I'm single so that doesn't even happen-- or my hands. All I have to do is spritz a few sprays of this old gal on my face and voila, my makeup stays put all day long... Prior to any misconceptions this is not some weird product that only works when it's night time... Oh you didn't think that? Cool, so it was only me.

You can tell that I'm a story teller because with each product all I want to do is open up and tell you every detail and thought behind my reasoning of purchasing said item (sorry Mr. Cristelli for that run on sentence). Anywho, as I've probably already told you, I have blonde eyelashes and eyebrows. You know that saying, eyebrows are sisters not twins, yeah mine aren't even cousins. They're those people that show up to your family reunions that no one really remembers but can't tell them to leave. One is super blonde and thin and the other is of decent substance and kinda blonde kinda brown. So finding a product that A. isn't way too dark for my brows and B. isn't way too red or orange is a miracle in itself. The fact that this Milani Brow Fix Kit costs less than $10? A freaking dream come true.

I was tempted to not include this little lass in my favourites at all because it is so hard to photograph properly. And honestly, I'm not even sure how I should be using it yet. It is The Balm's Cindy-Loumanizer and obviously it is marketed as an illuminator but it's way too dark for that (at least on my pale skin). Also, I looked at other blogger's swatches and reviews on it, and mine looks nothing like theirs. I purchased mine from Hautelook and as far as I know that is a 100% reputable website so I really don't think this is a knock-off item, but it looks (and I use it) more as a blush/bronzer than an illuminator. Do you have the Cindy-Loumanizer? Does it look anything like this???? Please let me know!

Ah, quite possibly the star of the show. I recently purchased the Coty Air Spun Loose Face Powder in Translucent, and I am obsessed. It smells so lovely (warning it is more perfumed than other face powders so if you don't like that I would be cautious in purchasing this) and is such a finely milled powder. It instantly sets my under-eye concealer and helps my makeup last all day. Also, I think it is adorable that they haven't changed the packaging since they brought out the product in 1935. My Nonna was with me when I purchased it, and she said she remembered her and her 9 sisters sharing this powder back when she was a child in Italy, as it was the only makeup her family could afford. And I just think it's really cool that now, nearly 70 years later her Canadian grand-daughter uses the same thing!

My last makeup based product is Tarte's Lights, Camera, Lashes 4 in 1 mascara. I was recently using their Amazonian Clay Smart Mascara, and loved loved loved it, but I wanted to see what else was out there. Upon one of my many visits to Sephora I asked a lovely employee what her mascara recommendations were and she said hands down Tarte. Since I already had the other one, she recommended this one, and ohh boy. My puny blonde lashes are no match for this baby. With this, it looks like false eyelashes all day long. I'd say it was my HG mascara, but honestly, I'm too nervous for that kind of commitment at the moment. (Shhh don't tell).

My book favourite of April was the Divergent series. Well, actually just Divergent since I haven't read the others yet. But I've started Insurgent so I thought I'd throw in all 3 books. I honestly wasn't expecting to like the film but my cousin wanted to see it for her birthday and I had coupons for a free movie so we went. I don't know if it was Theo James' abs acting or the intrigue of a dystopian society, but I was hooked. I know most people like to read the books first, but I like to have an image of the characters in my head before I read.
Am I allowed to do another disclaimer? I swear this is not a sponsored post from The Mindy Project, although I wish it was. And this isn't even just an April favourite, it's all year, all month, all day, all hour favourite. Mindy Kaling is just freaking brilliant, the acting on this show is phenomenal, and it makes you feel good without being obvious. Oh and did I mention she is freaking hysterical? Marry me???
I think that's pretty much it for my April favourites, I may do more or less categories in the future, I don't know, I can't be held accountable for anything. I also would like to take this moment to ask you, would you be interested in a feminist/ body image/ women in fashion & beauty post? Not the kind that you see everywhere written by some poor man who had no choice to write about it unless he wanted to go hungry that week, but a real, educated and thoughtful post? Let me know in the comments or send me a tweet
over here !