Wednesday, 6 August 2014

Sephora Haul & Review // Part 2

Naked Basics

Naked Basics

I am so excited to do this review for you guys! Here we have the Naked Basics palette, now I know this palette has been out for awhile but I only recently decided it was necessary to belong in my collection! Well boy let me tell you I am glad I decided to purchase it! I'm sure the texture and colours are really similar to the other Naked palettes but I love how small and compact this one is. The colours are all very wearable and practical. Naked 2 is just amazing I can use it for contouring my nose or my brows (since I have such pale skin and blonde hair). The texture of the shadows is hands down perfection. Exactly how I prefer them, opaque, creamy, and blend like butter on a fresh piece of bread. I know the $33 price tag may be a bit much, but honestly once you've committed yourself to a few high-end makeup brands, you're in. Now a day's I actually actively justify spending that kind of money. If I went out to the movies and or dinner I would easily spend that and have nothing to show for it. So I'd rather have a beautiful palette like this in my collection. And on that note let me tell you, if you're thinking of purchasing a higher end palette but don't want anything crazy just yet, buy. this. palette. Just do it.

And to prove just how much I've been loving this, here are some pictures of myself modelling the colours (I've been wearing my makeup like this everyday this month basically)!


Venus on the lid, Naked 2 in the crease, and Faint in the outer V!



  1. I thought the same thing and finally bought it a few months a go (way after it had been out). I so agree with you! It is a great palette! I use it way more than I originally thought I would!

    1. Right!? I bought it because I was like oh neutrals are always good to have, but then when I got it I was like, this is a staple, everyone should own this!!! Can't wait for the new one to come out this fall!

  2. I have to try this palette, the basics palettes look so good for day time wear! x

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

    1. They are! And it's easy to turn to into a night time look by adding more faint and crave!

  3. Great post! I've been considering getting a basics palette. You created some nice looks with this.
    Today's Beauty Obsession
